Today we met with the pharmacist for our last Pre-Transplant class. She gave Amelia a bunch of information, and was really nice to talk directly to Amelia for the appointment. Since Amelia is the one taking all of these, she needs to know!
I really like when the doctors talk to Amelia, not at Brenda and I and hope Amelia gets it. Now, when she was younger, and for the first transplant, Amelia didn’t understand any of this. Now that she is 14, it is great to get her prepared for the future when she will be living with this transplant on her own.
I wonder how she is processing all of this, learning what Brenda and I have been doing with her for years, and wondering how she is going to handle all of it. Of course we will be there to help, but it is a bit daunting. I took over setting up all of Amelia’s meds years ago when we almost gave her 2 doses and Brenda and I determined that 1 person in charge was a good idea. Amelia helps me now, to load her pill box and keep track of what she is taking every dose.
Hopefully after this appointment, she will continue to be aware of all of the things she has to do. I also hope that there is not a hiccup that will keep her off of the transplant list for another month.
At the end of this appointment, the pharmacist asked Amelia for a bright thought to get her through the rest of the day. That is just fun and it is great that they are involving Amelia so much in this transplant process.
More to come as we know…
Coming to you live 35 days into the new Kidney Journey…