All things considered, Not a lot has happened. It’s been getting hotter, so I’ve been inside all the time but I also can’t get burned all. Because of Meds it can be bad if it gets further than just a sunburn. We were able to go out and see fireworks for the 4th! We have been outside significantly more than before, I’ve been doing lots of walks and even went scooter-ing once! (it was a lot. Maybe not again for a little bit).
My kidney has been doing very good! We finally got my blood pressure settled and figured out, I’m off of more medications, and I’m on once a week blood draws. I do need to make sure I get all my water in with all the heat, it’s been a little tricky but I’ve been pretty good. We made yet another chart for me to fill out to help get all of it in. I have had a few more headaches lately but it shouldn’t be anything other than not having enough water. I also need to get lots (it’s the normal amount for someone in the same situation.) of Calcium. So Milk and cheese all the time!
They have found the BK virus more prominently in my blood the past few weeks. So they lowered my anti-rejection dose so I could hopefully fight it by my self. If that doesn’t work they’ll do something else. I’m not really sure what. But the BK virus is the same thing I had in 2017 when I got Chemotherapy for a few months to wash it out of my system. (Oh! that’s what they’ll do last if it continues to progress. Chemotherapy is a last resort.) My labs did come back and the BK hasn’t gotten worse. It’s staying where it was last. So hopefully it won’t increase at all and it goes down. I am off yet another medication. But only one. That’s okay though! I’m only on like 8 pills in the morning and 6 pills at night!
I have been reading a lot lately. Just like always. Finished like 3-5 books. I’ve also watched more of shows by myself this month than I have for MONTHS. I’ve also made so many different treats the past few week I’m surprised that they aren’t sick of sweets. I have made like 6 different types of cookies, two different Cakes, and muffins. It nice to be able to bake again to help with the stress.
~Amelia ❤️