These last few weeks were sort of uneventful. We had Kidney Clinic (WHICH WENT ON FOREVER AND HALF A YEAR! Even though, we only saw three people and were in the waiting room for forty-five minutes. To start. Then we spent, who knows how long, in the actual clinic.) They said that I was doing pretty good right now (even though I’m not feeling great) and wont need Dialysis for now, until we see them in a month (not guarantied we might have a while) . I just need to make sure I get all of my food and medication in.
(Edit: The clinic called us some time this week, saying that ” i’M nOt AllOWed tO haVE aNy mOrE VirTUAL appOINTments, beCAUSE oF THe diffERENce oF tHE hoME anD thE clINIC SCales” So for now on in-person appointments. Just like before. Also, my Dietitian says that I don’t have any current restrictions ((but I don’t need as much protein! Its not needed in my diet, though I can still have meats.)), But I NEED to make sure to get enough calories, so I don’t lose weight and need Dialysis sooner.((I am basically allowed to eat anything and everything that I can. (((junk food included))))))
I’ve been doing good in school (I’ve been clear and able to get all my work done on time, and efficiently. For a few days there I had ((almost)) NOTHING to work on) I had Parent Teacher Conferences on Thursday, I did quite good, even with internet problems. (they were all zoom meetings) I’m quite proud of myself.
Almost everyone (plus my grandma) watched the Super Bowl last Sunday. I ended up leaving the room and helping my sister once I figured that the Buccaneers would win. I DID eat quite a bit though (Me along with everyone else during the game).
We had Valentines day. It was different than I remember (that being it just felt different and not another holiday. ) We had a nice dinner (i.e. Surf and Turf) and our regular valentine letter exchange. It was also nice over the weekend to see family.
Some time last week we needed to move rooms (like we do every so often) because of spring cleaning. (it was funny, my little brother ((who I was exchanging rooms with)) REALLY didn’t want to move rooms. It took a bit of convincing ((he likes it A LOT now, he just took a tiny bit of time))) I am now down stairs with my sister and all the cats. Its been quite a bit of work, because my room is currently in transition. But, its perfectly fine! It’s worth it.
I have finished four, over two hundred pages, books. In less than a week…….. I’m also in the middle of another one….
Potato Potato Corner!
We found Potato Potato, they were hiding in a cave. So we celebrated, they got to see some cats and watched a movie.
Hi Amelia,
I always enjoy reading your blog. Glad to hear you are doing well in school! I know it is tricky doing school by zoom. Also, glad to hear your diet is not too restricted – important to keep your weight up. On a day you feel better and don’t have a bunch of school work, give me a call and we’ll “hang out”. 🤗