Not a lot happened these last few weeks. I’ve been busy with school and able to focus on different things to mess around with. This week wasn’t a good week. I haven’t been feeling good and my labs show it. I’ve been super tired too. I’m a little better now, even if I was on antibiotics for a week. BUT! I didn’t have to go to the hospital! So that’s a big plus. They increased a few of my medications, so that is also contributing to my…. Unwellness. I did get a new blood pressure monitor that makes it very simple to take it on my own. It’s super helpful, when I remember to do it.

I baked a lot last week. I really enjoy baking, I find it fun, challenging, and…..Boredom relieving. That being said, I made Spooky Cupcakes!! I made them out of red velvet cake and I was super careful with decorations. I used fondant to make a spider, cobweb(?), and a fly trapped in the cobweb. All homemade by yours truly. (And Potato Potato)

I’m super excited for Halloween! Even with the Covid restrictions. Now that I’m old enough this year I get to watch a whole plethora worth of new (For me) scary/spooky movies. We usually make our own costumes too, so even if we aren’t leaving the house we’re gonna be dressed up. I’m not sure what mine is gonna be yet, we’ll get there.

I was able to go to a Church Youth activity….Corn Mazes! My first time in weeks leaving for a youth activity. It was super interesting, I went to my first “Haunted” one. It was super funny listening and watching everyone scream, I didn’t scream (but that doesn’t matter). I was still spooked. I had a great time hanging out with my brother and other kids around my age, masks and all. yay. covid.

This week was also the end of term one for school, woo. I did good for the most part (?????) and I decided that 8th grade is hard. Especially when for my entire 7th grade year I was Hospital-homeschooled and got easy A’s because I already knew the material! I did okay, this term at least. I passed. Next term hopefully will be better. I did amazing in Health though, soooooooooo……….

Kidney Update

SO! in the last month my kidney labs have gotten really………………mean/grumpy/cranky (????) The results have increased to a point where they were starting to talk about Dialysis. I REEEEEAAAAALLLLLLLLLLY don’t like that idea. I don’t like thinking that I’m so close to that part. I really hope I can get my Transplant surgery( Even if I don’t like surgery) before Dialysis. I have Kidney clinic next week, so we’re gonna hear from the doctors if I have time to spare until Dialysis. As far as we know I am actively on the list waiting for a new kidney, with no live donors. Which is Okay! It’s just really intimidating.

Potato Potato Corner

Potato Potato Quote: “Just because you grow underground doesn’t mean your not beautiful. Just like a potato , you can pick yourself up and wash off that dirt to get a new start.”

Potato Potato Pun: “Which side dish does Dr. Frankenstein bring to Thanksgiving dinner?
Monster mash potatoes.”
