It’s May and we have so much going on! The 12th was my 1st kidney’s 12th birthday. It’s weird to think about…. Especially since the 13th was the official 1 month of my new kidney…

I’ve been doing pretty great all things considered. My incision is looking great and I’ve been able to do a quite a bit more. I’m not taking the super strong pain meds and I haven’t had Tylenol around the clock (I’m still taking some, but it hasn’t been down to the minute or consistently.) I still get really tired and I’ve been having a few naps. I’ve went on a good handful of drives and just getting out of the house (mostly up to Kidney clinic two times a week ((NOT ANYMORE THOUGH!! its NOW only once a week for a bit longer. I’ll be on every two weeks after the next appointment))) I have (and will continue to have) my blood drawn 2 times a week on Mondays and Thursday. Which is Fine. Just annoying. Overall I think I’m just feeling pretty tired and Eh… Nothing bad but my body isn’t used to this kind of cruddy. Which is good! I shouldn’t get used to things like that! And once again, because of all my medications I’m still on Visitor restrictions. But those will be waning within the next few weeks. Thank you everyone for being so good with these restrictions!

I have started online school back up part time. I’ve been easily getting my assignments and such turned in. I’m glad that I’ve been doing distance learning this whole school year, it makes everything a lot easier. I enjoy doing school like this. I’m actually gonna be going back full time for the last 2-ish weeks to make sure I stay having decent grades.

We did get pictures done last week (a few are up in the photos if you’d like to look!) which was verrry tiring because we had, like, 45 minutes to get as many shots in the outfits we wanted, and I had 4 outfits. And they turned out nice! Afterwards we did go up a canyon and had just a relaxing hangout with a fire.

I’ve been able to do quite a bit more lately! Like pick up the cats, pack a few boxes, and SO many stairs. (Last weekend I packed a total of eleven boxes out of my room. Now there isn’t that much I have left out. I’m proud of it ((I didn’t lift anything; Leatha did all of that)) I’m still not doing everything and my siblings have been really good helping out where they need to. We’ve done a handful of puzzles (no where near as many as before) the current one being a 1500 piece Disney villain puzzle. I’ve also been reading lots. I haven’t really slowed down. (I’m gonna start reading classics (i.e. The Odyssey, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, and Jane Eyre.) because I have easy access to them as an e-book. Which is super helpful with all the chaos going on. It gets a little hard to read on paper. As much as I’d prefer that)

I really appreciate all the support and prayers we have been getting for every-crazy-thing that has been going on in our lives. It’s been really helpful and suuuper nice. So thank you everyone. It’s very nice to know that we have so much love and support even when it doesn’t feel like it.
