We had yet another kidney clinic appointment Tuesday. It has only been two weeks. (But the next appointment wont be for a whole month because I haven’t had any extra changes.(( ALSO!! This appointment was significantly shorter than they have been the last few months!))) I’m doing about the same as I have been… physically…. My labs are a little higher but that is to be expected at this time. My Meds are also a the point where they changed my labs a bit. Because my labs are affected by my current medication doses, they have reduced my iron and another med that helps my kidney out. So its really good! They also requested for me to have another shot that helps my kidney. Its the same one as they have done before its just a repeat. But it is going to help.

I do not need Dialysis as of this appointment, but I am getting closer. Sadly.

I’ve been extra tired and nauseated the last few days, but the pharmacist says its because of my one medication (that they’ve reduced) I was able to get some activity in when we went to the park on Easter. I was also able to go to a Young Women’s activity for the first time in a little while, it was fun but I got quite tired afterwards. But it has been interesting to see when when I still feel mostly the same but still…crappy.