Today was the first day of Pre-Transplant evaluation for the Kidney Transplant process. They went over all the pre-transplant information, during transplant, and aftermath changes. It was a ton of stuff to learn, I’ll need a Remembrall to recall any of it.
So, me stating I’m not exited is a understatement. I’m not looking forward to the whole surgery idea AGAIN. It’s not gonna change all that much of my lifestyle because I’ve been doing the same things (to protect my kidney) since I was 3. Except I found out that my new kidney was going to be on my opposite side from the old one. Almost everything I learned today was stuff I was already familiar with, so that made me feel better. I can’t imagine being completely new at this, and having to learn everything in the span of a few days. It’s probably very difficult to people who are new to the transplant process.
12! TWELVE!!!!! Twelve tubes of blood they (home health) took (Those Vampires) to cover all the tests that they need to do for the transplant evaluation.
A few interesting things I learned today:
- I’m Not allowed to have pomegranate juice and or Grapefruit juice
- No energy drinks for me
- Peritoneal Dialysis is STUPID and not for Me
- Green tea is not allowed but Herbal Tea is Alright
- I won’t have to be on all my Medications after the Transplant
- Anybody can donate if they want to
- If I get COVID-19 I will not be able to have a transplant for a long time and might need dialysis before i get a transplant (ONLY IF IT HAPPENS)
- I might not need Dialysis at this point in time!!!
- They think I will get a transplant, before a year
- They use BIG words
- After the transplant I won’t be able to go back to school for a few months because of COVID-19 and being extra sensitive to everything. I’m excited for homeschool and not talking to people in person!
- I don’t have a super restricted diet after and can still eat my favorite food
- I can still go camping with Family
- My cat can join us for online classes and that makes me feel better!
Potato Potato update!!!!!! It took a bath this week, saw It’s family AND It Loves Us with all its Kidney!!
Wow! Sounds like you learned a lot today! 🧐 Glad you won’t need dialysis right now – yay!
I love the pics of potato potato, especially the one that says: “I love you with all my kidney.” ❤
I also like the pics of your kitties in their cute beds. What are their names?
We have four cats, a tripod ( three-legged) dog, a bunny, a ribbon snake and a goldfish. My daughter recently moved out with her friends. She took her bearded dragon and veiled chameleon with her.